Our focus is you, what are your goals, what are you strengths, where can you improve, what makes YOU an individual ?
At movement, we have taken the time to develop what we think is a fantastic format that gives all students the ability to find the best version of themselves in their own way.
Not everybody learns the same , thinks the same or are the same. We LOVE that thing that makes you, YOU ! All the students at Movement Studios work , play and perform to their best abilities, always pushing boundaries and exceeding well past their own expectations. Using movement as an art form and bringing to the table, new, fresh and expressive works.
Our studio is a centre for, discovering the art of movement , expression and self discovery.
Our focus has brought us to concentrate on participating in workshops all over Australia, bringing in highly renowned guest teachers, participate in all performance opportunities
available to us, learning about all facets of staging, choreographing and developing works. And of course, developing our bodies, skills and minds through advanced and leading edge forms of technique in all areas of dance, movement and performing arts.